World 4: Realyrotten Desert

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A bucolic but militarized valley, a tropical archipelago disrupted by the business world, and a haunted discotheque. Here is everything we have visited earlier, let's discover the 4th world of HopDrop...



Description of the world

In the depths of the hot sand desert, stand ancient ruins of a time long gone. A temple with ancestral rites as well as the funerary complex of an ancestor of King Trydoms will be worth visiting.

We can play it like Howard Carter, discover the tomb of Pharaoh Toutantrydoms and eat the curse of the latter. The pyramid will not let itself be done either, various traps have been left by the elders, its same elders who will try to protect the burial as best they can.

You will not be alone! Either to your chagrin or to your delight. Trydoms' soldiers are also searching the area the Fairies you need to save, some will be on your side, some won't.

The Realyrotten Desert marks the return of the bull transformation, but there is no new move to learn there. In compensation, once you finish the Realyrotten Desert, you will have access to the Black Fairy Challenges, which will give you, if successful, nice improvements (including a bonus movement and more HP and Lives).



One thing is certain, the Blocus will not mess with you if you don't mess with them. Keep your distance if you want to avoid the stampede.


Its distant cousins of the Crabapics of the Pacific Islands are a bit silly, this winner's face will say a lot. Enemies all that there is more classic.

Toutantrydoms' hand

Each grain of sand is an eye of the God of the Desert, Toutantrydoms is not left out with his hands provided with an eye. His servants and spies of the ancient dictator report to the Pharaoh and attack mercilessly, sometimes hiding in the sand.


The very faithful servants of Pharaoh Toutantrydoms, who were awakened from their deep sleep by their master in order to defend the desert... For that, they are ready to die again and again, they come back much faster than the other enemies of the game.


His enemies have understood everything (I thought that snakes weren't lights), they will spit venom at you from the quicksand, too far away to be killed.

Characters from the world


Michel is a minion of Trydoms in charge of finding Fairies and a potential treasure in the pyramid. This dreamer, who wants to become a corporal in the army of Trydoms, will want the skin of Alex... While his squad mates are rather inclined to help you.

The Sphinx

By dint of waiting for someone for thousands of years, we end up getting bored, the Sphinx is convinced of that. This TV presenter (yes and so?) will challenge you to answer just 5 of his questions, in exchange of a Fairy and a nice photo.

Pharao Toutantrydoms

The ancient King of the Desert will threaten you with an odious curse if you insist on meeting him. He cannot deny his distant descent, with whom he shares a great megalomania.

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