Characters presentation #03 : Fairies Queen and Master Sioux

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In previous posts, we got to know the many characters that inhabit the worlds of HopDrop. A while ago, we also met Alex the cute protagonist who likes to tackle and Trydoms the crazy antagonist, not only but also HopDrop the happy damoiseau in distress and Rainwoy the whiny right arm of Trydoms.

Today, we are going to discover the Queen of the Fairies and Master Sioux, let's go!


The Fairies Queen is therefore the monarch of the little red-haired kittens... It's good there are some who follow. Her people having been taken prisoner by Trydoms and being a longtime friend of King HopDrop, the Fairy Queen is therefore of great help to Alex. She is the one who will teach you the movements of the game and who will suggest that you follow the tutorial at the start of the game.

However, she is not very serious and she has a very strange ability to talk. In French, she reverses, see combines, the familiarity and the formal mode. In English, she speaks of her interlocutor in the 3rd person plural. And in German, she speaks of her interlocutor in the 3rd person singular. It is therefore the most difficult character to adapt in various languages.


Master Sioux is the second character on which Alex can count during his quest, it is he who proposes the transformations of the game.

Even though he is nice, he is a big cheapskate looking to make a sizable candy profit. His fear of being on the straw will earn him some exceptionnal lines, like "I don't want to be so poor that when I go to the park, it's the ducks who throw bread at me." or even "If I relied solely on your bills to live, instead of having real air conditioning, I would have to buy an ice cream popsicle and shake it in my teepee to say that I have air conditioning.".

In his spare time, and to compensate for his loss of earnings from the worlds from which he is absent, Master Sioux is also employed as the special envoy of the Alpes Blanches Channel in World 5.


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