World 6: Nothere Wood

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The 6th world of HopDrop which succeeds the White Alps is a world which resembles its predecessor in its narration, and which takes up the formula introduced by the Spring Valley, I named...



Description of the world

It is a vast isolated forest that we have there, on the border of the ruthless dictatorship of King Trydoms who covets its resources. From the depths of the coal mines, to the highest of the tops of the tallest trees, Nothere Wood is a very big world.

This bucolic world is however the victim of a deforestation project by an expedition of King Trydoms, in order to recover the resources of this world which is full of them for the conception of a secret plan... And the worst thing is some locals have allied themselves with the megalomaniac King, among them the not very friendly Beaveris and the scary boss of this world. Because of his dubious projects, you will have few allies in this world, the local fauna and flora caring little about your team, you will have to do with.

Nothere Wood introduces a new movement, tree climbing allowing you to move from creeper to creeper like Tarzan. There is also a new transformation not very charismatic but very useful, a transformation into a fly. With this, most enemies will ignore you and you will be able to reach places that Alex cannot reach in his normal form.



The clothes don't make the monk, remember when you come across this cute little mushroom. Don't make the mistake of killing it, or its poisonous spores will land you in serious trouble.


Territorial bees that cannot be killed and will chase you as long as you are near their hive. They will tolerate that you enter their hives if you come when you're a fly.


The "men" of Colonel Boipiker. They are scary and really not very nice. Ecology? His beavers don't know this concept and don't really care.


Like their name absolutely indicate, the Shadowolfs are not lights. They want to get rid of Beaveris, Colonelle Boipiker, the world' boss and yourself... But they are unable to come up with a plan and their team cohesion is a disaster.


Remember, bell flowers are often poisonous, as is the case with this plant which bears its name very well. Don't try to pick it, or it will spit poisonous pollen at you. Just keep your distance.

Characters from the world


This poor squirrel is really unlucky, all he wants is to eat delicious acorns, but bad luck always happens to him! It even inspired Alpes Blanches Channel to make a TV show about him, and a video game developer close to Trydoms to dedicate an arcade game to him.

Colonel Boipiker

The mini-boss of Nothere Wood is the leader of the Beaveris tribe and is really not very nice either. There is only one thing that makes Colonel Boipiker dream, to retire and build a small house in the Pacific Islands.

Corona CutterWood

/!\ The name of this character has no connection with the covid19 pandemic, this character has always had this name since its creation in 2008 /!\
Corona CutterWood, boss of Nothere Wood, is actually the false twin brother of Trydoms' right arm, Rainwoy. Corona CutterWood is also very jealous of his brother in this regard, there is no form of affection between the 2 brothers. This enormous lumberjack is frighteningly cruel and terrifyingly violent, he has no regard for absolutely anything or anyone, except perhaps Trydoms.

←White Alps | Custines ToysFactor (unavailable)→


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